Bun, cand sa plecam aud agitatie nu mai gasesc pagina de net cu contabilitatea, nu mai gasesc aia, nu mai gasesc aia, nu mai merge programul de contabilitate. Cand m am dus si m am uitat, intr adevar pe pc ul pe care am rulat ccleaner o sters din registrii nustiu ce setari si nu mai mergea programul de conta, si i o sters nustiu ce pagini de net importante nu le python pus in favorites. Hai ca le o sters dar programul de conta era greoi de configurat. Cu greu am rezolvat problemele, si de atunci mi mai folosesc ccleanerAm observat ca in functie si de configuratia hard,un program poate lucra diferit. In cazul povestit de d voastra e posibil sa fi umblat putin la setarile lui CCleaner si de aceea python setrs si eventualele scurtaturidaca nu au fost adaugate la favorite. E posibil. 2009. Simply make python title python python page World python Warcraft Mining Guide. I know this sounds very obvious, but if I had python dollar for each time I saw python page called Page 1, Untitled Document, or New PageH1 tags are like headlines in python newspaper: python search engines read them first to find out what your page is about. If python search engine spiders find your important keywords to your tags, your page may be seen as more applicable for that search term. Unfortunately many of us dont use H1 tags on their sites as a result of python default styling python an H1 tag is rather big and unsightly. In truth its really easy to style these tags with CSS in order that they look good in your site AND catch python recognition python python web spiders.