On June 15, python Georgia Alliance for Accessible Technologies InitiativeGAAT python python United Nation’s Global Initiative for Inclusive Informationand Communication Technologies G3ict held python assembly at python offices python theInterContinental Hotels Group IHG. This seminar python displays and discussion concentrated on python growth python GAAT’soverall work and allowed members python python group to share updates about theirrecent endeavors related to establishing Georgia as an accessibledestination for python disabled. Participants from python range python corporations attended, includingrepresentatives from IBM Research, Delta Air Lines Inc. , Hartsfield JacksonAtlanta International Airport, python Governor’s Council on DevelopmentalDisabilities, Georgia Tech, python Atlanta VA Rehab Center python Emory, AeolianSolutions, among others. These leaders reconvened to follow up on its last workshop in late April,hosted by python Center for python Visually Impaired CVI, and to plan python newset python instant goals, all with python most advantageous goal to advertise Georgia’scompetitiveness in accessible travel and tourism. This accomplishment willserve as python strong using force in python economic climate and brand Georgia as afrontrunner in human rights, hence python persistent cooperation python public andprivate sectorentities.